B2C Marketplace

Be closer to your advertisers

Help them increase their online sales thanks to an online B2C marketplace

Help your local businesses
go online!

Offer your local businesses a new dedicated platform to sell their products and services

Why a Local Commerce B2C Marketplace for Media?

  • The media are at a time of high uncertainty due to the fall in income, especially in advertising, forcing them to make adjustments.
  • This situation forces them to change their business model to diversify their sources of income.
  • The change from classifieds management to transactional Marketplace allows them to offer more services to their advertising clients, as well as leverage their consumer base.
  • On the other hand, the current situation of Covid-19 puts the survival of SMEs at risk, especially small businesses and local producers. For them, opening an online store does not generate a sufficient audience requiring investment in marketing and selling in global marketplaces implies the payment of a high commission.

Offer more services to your readers

Deepen links with your reader audience, by giving them the opportunity to buy online, but also attract potential new readers.

Strategic Reasons

Digital behaviour know-how

Direct access to your readers digital behaviour know-how in real time.
Insights on market trends in a moment of continuous and sudden changes.

Reach new incomes

Income through non-traditional channels through commissions and / or recurring fees, taking advantage of the already existing ecosystem in the medium: advertisers and audience.

Keep your advertisers

Providing your advertisers a new online sales channel will help them overcome the current economic crisis and fight for their survival.

Better engagement between the media and its audience.

Offering a new service to your reader base will increase the interaction between you and your audience. Linked to a strong digital strategy, the marketplace can become a reference for your reader local online shopping.

Acquisition of new subscribers and increase in visits.

As a local reference for online shopping, you can earn new subscribers for your media and contribute to an increase in your local audience.

Excelling in customer service

In general, customers are now highly interested in making digital purchases 24hx7d and in exploring new products on their own.

Discover more use cases

B2C Marketplace

Food producers Direct-To-Table

View use case
B2C Marketplace

Public Administration Local Commerce

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